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At its Wednesday meeting, the Folsom Police Foundation voted to support Folsom’s Measure G on the November ballot. When passed, Measure G will provide critical funding to enhance public safety, reduce crime, and provide essential resources to enhance public safety in...
The 2024 election is just over a month away, with mail-in ballots expected to go out on October 7. As Election Day nears, six candidates are busy campaigning for two open seats on the Folsom City Council, one in Districts 2 and another in District 4. These seats will...
Gul Kahn is one of six candidates running for a seat on the Folsom City Council this November, campaigning for the fourth district. As part of an effort to provide balanced and unbiased insight into each candidate, Folsom Times compiled a list of key topics and...
Jim Ortega is one of six candidates running for a seat on the Folsom City Council this November, campaigning for the fourth district. As part of an effort to provide balanced and unbiased insight into each candidate, Folsom Times compiled a list of key topics and...
Barbara Leary is one of six candidates running for a seat on the Folsom City Council this November, campaigning for the fourth district. As part of an effort to provide balanced and unbiased insight into each candidate, Folsom Times compiled a list of key topics and...
Justin Raithel is one of six candidates running for a seat on the Folsom City Council this November, campaigning for the second district. As part of an effort to provide balanced and unbiased insight into each candidate, Folsom Times compiled a list of key topics and...